
Mod Beta 1.7.3 easier than ever before with the powerful and modern FabricMC modloader at your fingertips.

But honestly these days you should really be using babric, unless you really need MCL for your mod (Babric is actually maintained).

Vanilla Launcher

Run Cursed Legacy Fabric through the stock minecraft launcher



Run Cursed Legacy Fabric through MultiMC, a popular 3rd party launcher with additional features


Mod Development Kit

Develop mods for Beta 1.7.3 using our MDK!

Most mods will probably also use an API Library for ease of modifying the game. There are a couple to pick from: the more widely used but less documented Station API, and the OG library for Cursed Legacy which is documented on this website, Cursed Legacy API.

If you are using Station API, you may need an older version of the MultiMC instance.